ME Bridge

The ME Bridge is peripheral which is added when Applied Energistics 2 is installed. This allows you to interact with an ME network (given you have the security access required for the network).


Event Parameter 1 Parameter 2 Parameter 3 Parameter 4 Parameter 5 Description
gridNotification "gridNotification" string notification This event is fired when changes have been made on the connection to the ME Bridge
gridChanged "gridChanged" This event is fired when the grid is changed
securityBreak "securityBreak" This event is fired when the ME Bridge is violating security rules, it will break on the next tick
craftingComplete "craftingComplete" string itemCrafted number amount number bytesRequiredToCraft boolean success This event is called when an item finishes crafting after it was requested with the craft() function


Function Returns Description
listAll() table items Lists all referenced items in the network
listItems() table items Lists all stored items in the network
listCraft() table items Lists all craftable items in the network
~~retrieve(string itemId, number metadata, number amount, string or number directionToDeposit[, string nbt])~~ number extracted Deprecated Retrieves the given items and attempts to place it in an inventory in the direction given (either the number or a string like "north" or "up", returns the amount extracted.
import(string itemId, number metadata, number amount, string or number directionToDeposit[, string nbt]) number imported Retrieves the given items from the inventory in the direction given (either the number or a string like "north" or "up") and attempts to place them in the connected AE system, returns the amount imported.
export(string itemId, number metadata, number amount, string or number directionToDeposit[, string nbt]) number exported Retrieves the given items from the connected AE system and attempts to place them in an inventory in the direction given (either the number or a string like "north" or "up"), returns the amount exported.
craft(string itemId, number metadata, number amount[, string nbt]) nil Attempts to craft the given items